The following skills, qualifications, experience and employment background requirements apply to the occupations listed in the tables below in relation to SID and SESR visas, and where eligible under the permanent residence pathway, ENS visas.
Skills Assessment
Qualifications are to be assessed by the relevant Skills Assessing Authority (as specified in the Labour Agreement), as being at least equivalent to the relevant Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification detailed for the relevant tables below, in order to assist the Minister's decision as to whether the visa applicant has the necessary qualifications for the position.
The Minister may require a person to demonstrate that he or she has the skills that are necessary to perform the tasks of the nominated occupation by undertaking a skills assessment conducted by an independent Skills Assessing Authority (as specified in the Labour Agreement). Any skills assessment must be certified as being in accordance with the arrangements agreed to in writing with the Commonwealth prior to the first Labour Agreement being entered into.
Occupations on the Combined Lists of Eligible Skilled Occupations (Skill Levels 1-3)
A mandatory skills assessment may be required under migration law for skill level 1-3 occupations listed here, which are on the eligible lists of skilled occupation (the Short-term Skilled Occupation List, (STSOL), Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List, (MLTSSL) or Regional Occupation List (ROL)), any nomination for these occupations or any application for a SID, SESR or ENS visa connected with these occupations must satisfy the skills, qualifications and experience and employment background required under the standard SID, SESR or ENS visa programs except:
Where the relevant AQF qualification was obtained in Australia, only one (1) year of relevant work experience (38 hours per week) is required for the SID visa program; or
Only two (2) years of relevant work experience (38 hours per week) is required for the SESR visa program.
Occupations not on the Combined Lists of Eligible Skilled Occupations (Skill Levels 1-5)
A skills assessment is required for applications lodged for the occupations listed here.
For occupations approved under the Pilbara DAMA but are not on the combined eligible list of skilled occupations, the following skills, qualifications, experience and employment background criteria will apply to any nomination for these occupations or any application for a SID, SESR or ENS visa made under the Migration Legislation.
Qualifications are to be assessed by the relevant Skills Assessing Authority (as specified in the Labour Agreement) as being at least equivalent to the relevant Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification detailed for the relevant tables below, in order to assist the Minister’s decision as to whether the visa applicant has the necessary qualifications for the position.
Work Experience
Work experience to fulfil visa requirements must be:
Relevant to the nominated occupation and at the required skill level
Full-time or part-time pro rata equivalent unless otherwise specified. Full-time work should be in accordance with the National Employment Standards; and
Undertaken in the last five (5) years.
Where specified, work experience to fulfil visa requirements, can be undertaken concurrently with work experience used to substitute qualifications, provided the work experience was at the same skilled level.

Proudly supported by the City of Karratha, Town of Port Hedland and Shire of East Pilbara